Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finding the World of Pomeranian Pet - Sitting

As the number of Pomeranian pet owners increases day by day, the Pomeranian world of pet-sitting grows correspondingly bigger and bigger. Come and let's explore this world.
Pomeranian pet-sitting is a whole lot similar to baby-sitting.
As pet aficionados recognize the importance of the service while they are away from home and have to leave their pets behind, there are many advantages of using pet-sitting services. Among them are:
* Hiring a pet-sitter to take good care of your Pomeranian at home while you are away dramatically reduces the "trauma" caused by travelling your Pomeranian. With the home environment setting, the Pomeranian is more secured in his turf rather than being transported elsewhere.
* Your Pomeranian can continue to do the usual things that he has been accustomed to without extra effort on his part to take on a new environment. This also minimizes to a large extent the resulting stress.
* On your part, you save yourself from inconveniencing your family, friend, or neighbor or save yourself from the embarrassment of being rejected or fury over unkind family, friend, or neighbor.
* You will have the assurance and the peace of mind that you are leaving your Pomeranian in good hands.
* You can do things conveniently that otherwise you would not be able to do.
When deciding to use the pet-sitting services, these are some helpful reminders:
* Choose a pet-sitter that is known to treat pets like a human being, and you will trust enough to leave you Pomeranian with.
* Compare and contrast at least three pet-sitting services, so you can strike the best deal.
* Take some effort to know more about the pet-sitter. Remove all doubts.
* Check the track record and credibility of the pet-sitting services. Go for high quality services. It may costs a few cents more, but the security and safety of your Pomeranian, and your peace of mind that you get from this are incomparable.
It will also be beneficial to check a few more things prior to leaving your Pomeranian with your chosen pet-sitter:
* Prepare all the necessary supplies that the pet-sitter may need while you are away. Things like food, water, and toys are basic but oftentimes neglected. Check some first-aid medicines too, for emergency purposes.
* Orient the pet-sitter with basic and other helpful information about your pet. Although there are general characteristics, pets may have certain character that is distinct and solely theirs.
* Introduce the pet-sitter to your Pomeranian. Introducing his pet-sitter will at least allow for your pet to be more tolerable.
* Write step-by-step instructions that you would want the pet-sitter to do while you are away.
* Get your pet-sitter's contact number and give your contact number as well. You may also need to leave other numbers such as your pet's veterinary and the alternative numbers where you can be reached for emergency.
Although pet-sitting is a world full of commitment, accountability, and responsibility, it is also a world of fun, love, and laughter especially when you have found just the right sitter, and when that sitter treats your pet as his own.